Monday, June 6, 2011

Journey Fast Day 8

Inner Peace, World Peace

The last few days have been full and big for me and the crew here at Thunder Mountain. On this journey there are challenges after challenges. Tiredness at times, doubts and fears. But the intention of Inner Peace and Wellness and World Peace keep me focused and determined. I am doing well.

The world continues to be full of pain and suffering. Conflicts from Libya to Syria to Yemen and Iraq and Afghanistan. Violence in schools, families, and communities. Oppression of races, women and children. Inequality of wealth and power. Pollution of the Earth's riches - the land, the air, the water and seas. Destruction of the rainforests. Billions of animals yearly used, abused, enslaved and slaughtered. And so very much more.

How can we pierce the veils of impossibility? How can we bring the great change that is so needed? How can we change the culture of indulgence and violence? The problems of the world are overwhelming, what real actions can be put into effect that will make a difference?

Obviously there are no easy, simple solutions. It's hard enough to get people to agree upon local issues, let alone global ones. 
Thankfully there are good people doing good work on every level already. There are improvements and changes already occurring, but there is so much more to accomplish. Where do we go from here?

Bhante share with us that "our health is our greatest possession, with it we can serve ourselves and we can serve others". When we practice Body/Mind Peace and Wellness we are more clear and strong. From that clarity and strength we can be more responsive to the needs of our family, communities, nation and "All our Relations". To be empowered by our own Wellness and Peace we send off the strongest of vibrations that encourage others to follow along. Our enlightenment enlightens the world. When we are awake new solutions arise, even for age old problems. Now is the time for us to gather together in Peace and Wellness Circles and support each other to awaken our Fundamental Wholeness and empower one another to bring the changes so needed in the World.
We are putting together a program that folks can attend to learn how to facilitate these circles. Please consider hosting them in your home with your friends and communities.

And make a deeper commitment now to getting more well physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, if not now, when?

In Deep Devotion,
Greg Lynn

May All Beings Be Well and Happy!