Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journey Fast

21 Day Journey Fast for World Peace

I have had a "calling", for quite some time now, to do an extended fast for Peace for my own Body/Mind/Spirit and for Worldwide Peace for all Beings. Yesterday, Monday, May 30th, I set off on this journey!

I am increasing my Body/Mind focus to achieve Optimum Health for myself and contribute to Peace for the World. We are in a time of great change for the Earth and all her beings. To contribute consciously to this change I am deepening my personal/global commitment. Now is the time for all aware beings to "step it up" and be the change, more completely, that we wish to see in the world. The change I wish to see is our world to return to wellness and balance. If we are not well and in balance, we cannot be at peace. So I am setting off into a "fasting journey" of 21 days, to deepen my own wellness/peace and to add to the collective achievement of that consciousness globally.

Those that know me know I'm not carelessly setting off here. I've done many 7 day water fasts, with the longest being one of 14 days. So 21 days will be a stretch. I am fasting on distilled water, and my own urine. This is an age-old method that promotes self healing. (More to come about the urine later.) AlsoI will stay real with the fast, if need be I will shift gears by first adding lemon juice, then wheat grass juice if needed, and then veggie juices.

I am sincerely opening to this journey for the highest good of all and will let wisdom, not ego, guide me. Fasting has been one of my most dear practices through the years, so I am very familiar with the terrain.

I became a vegetarian in 1969, 42 years ago. And have been vegan for many years. During those four decades I have consistently fasted several times each year. Originally I fasted with the seasons, and now, over the last few years, doing Fasting Cleanses here at Thunder Mountain almost monthly. Also most weeks here on the Mountain we do a one day liquid fast from Sunday night dinner into Monday night dinner.

The fasting has helped me stay in balance with my diet, my weight, my emotions, and helped me to step through and beyond Lyme disease. I've fasted on distilled water and juices and have done many herbal cleanses. Bhante would say we must cleanse internally as we do externally, so the fasting has aided me to let go of "toxic stuff" and become healthier, happier, younger and stronger.

Over the last couple of years I've had an extended fast "calling" to me. Then one day I got clear it would be 21 days. Then later I realized that our PeaceWeaver community has been together 21 years now - coincidence or not, the fast is here to honor all the efforts made by all Weavers of Peace during that time, but  especially the core group that has walked it step by step for 21 years.

When it first became clear I thought it was just for me and our community, but then I realized of course it's meant for "all our relations", the Circle of Life. So I am answering the call of my own path, my own soul. In so doing I call out to anyone who hears this to listen more deeply and completely to your own calling, and perhaps deepen it right now, even over the next three weeks.

Already people are committing to small fasts during this time, or eating just veggies and fruit, or returning to spiritual practices daily and nightly. If this touches your Heart, may you activate your own first, and together may we send out prayers of Wellness, Balance, Love and Peace to all beings in all realms...

I will be posting daily during the fast.

In Deep Devotion,
Greg Lynn
May all Beings Be Well and Happy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

March, 2011
The Earth Keeps Turning...
Daily the Earth keeps turning, and the events of Humankind intensifying. With the profound and real climate change occurring, the winds of tornadoes and hurricanes increasing, and, of course, earthquakes and tsunamis escalating, the Earth is truly in upheaval.  Hence the human family is in upheaval as well. This is the time of the "great turning" from the old world to a new world, a new consciousness. As we can see, it is cause for great concern and reconsideration of how we live.

The recent events in Japan are devastating for us all. It is hard to believe our own eyes, seeing the power of the quake and the tsunami. And now the threat that exists regarding the nuclear power plants leaves the world holding its collective breath. All of this raises feelings of sadness and powerlessness. Beyond donations, what can we do in our lives and communities to help and make a difference?

As Weavers of Peace, let us focus on our own wellness and balance so that we can be a stable force for others. Let's stay strong in clarity of mind and spirit and send out prayers of healing to all beings in all realms. Let's bring people together in Circle to share feelings and get more in touch with what is happening and needed in our own communities. Let's be more in touch with the strengths and weak points of our local region, and then lead the charge in creating more connection and greater safety for all.

Let us pray every day for every being, and create a more aware world that does not have to befall more disasters to awaken to enlightened, responsible living.

Please be well ~
In Devotion,
Greg Lynn

December, 2010 
Season's Greetings
This is the time of year to gift those you love with presents. So give them your Presence! Being Present with another is truly a Gift of Love.

When we're "Unconditionally Present" the gifts of insight, gratitude, and acknowledgment come pouring forth. When we are present we welcome those we're with to be present too. Then that "collective presence" heightens our awareness of the texture of Love and the Weaving of Life.

We don't have to travel to a mall to buy this present. But we do have to leave the past and Be Here Now! And we do need to turn around and come back from the fears of the future.

The Universe welcomes you to share this Present with everyone - those you know and love, and those you have yet to meet. So give the Gifts of your Full Attention and Whole Heartedness this season and into 2011. Let everyday be the Season of Light and Love and every moment gift yourself and others with your own Heartfelt Presence...

Go ahead, open your Presence right now!
Ho Ho Ho...
In love and devotion,
Greg Lynn

February, 2010
Our Choice is Our Awakening

When we think of World Peace the first thought is a world void of war, and that is true. However true Global Peace is also a world where there is food and shelter and care for all! This has been the response to Haiti, that recently experienced the devastating earthquake. Help is coming in from people and nations all over the world. And yet again and again we are faced with resolving the impossible with earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, and famine continuing on.  With all of this turmoil no wonder so many people are convinced they must die first in order to go to heaven.

How can we live peacefully on a planet that has seen so much tragedy and violence? How can we find the ability to put down our weapons, help one another, and live in Harmony? In Zen Buddhism, one of the practices is working with something called Koans - unanswerable verses that are presented to be answered. There appears to be no logical answers to these questions. One initial Koan that you might have heard of is "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Not only does the student need to understand the Koan, but is asked to demonstrate it before the teacher. Other Koans are "How do you get out of a 100 foot hole?" or "How do you get down from a 100" pole?" To resolve these impossible questions the student is asked to drop habit mind. In dropping habit mind, we drop the delusions of fear, separation, greed and ignorance. When the delusions fall away, there then remains clear understanding that allows clear demonstration of our True Divine Nature.

Regarding awakening to Peace we face many Koans - How do we end war? How do we resolve poverty? How do we banish famines? It appears to be an impossible, unending series of unanswerable questions and it is too easy to give up, especially when feeling pain and suffering! And yet we do not live on this Heavenly Body Mother Earth to be punished and then die. We are not birthed into this human realm as a prison to serve out our sentence and then pass away. We are here to Awaken beyond the delusions of pain, suffering and separateness, then we can live in Peace.

To resolve these age old practices of war and violence, we must first admit that we let ourselves be controlled and enslaved by them. Next we must convince ourselves that we do not have to submissively give our power away to habitual fears and reactions. Then we must choose to no longer participate in any actions that do harm to anyone or anything. Our choice is our Awakening.

We are here to Awaken beyond the delusions of separateness, pain, and suffering. When we choose to drop our fearful "habit mind" then we awaken to our Divine Nature, and then we can demonstrate our Noble Spirits. Together with this divine understanding and our noble actions we can rise up like the Lotus Flower and express the beauty of Kindness and Compassion for all Life.

So let this be the year that our collective choice breaks the chains of age old habits, and brings greater Peace and Healing for our global family.

If not in 2010, then when!  
In Devotion,
Greg Lynn

January, 2010
On the Occasion of our 20th Annual
 New Year's Peace Gathering

Each January for the last 20 years, we have come together as an extended Peace & Healing Community to cherish all life. Together we raise our energy so that we can raise our consciousness, and set our collective vision on greater peace in our lives & the life of our Planet.  Life is very dear & precious. Gathering in the name of Peace allows us to express our gratitude and awaken our very souls.
Over the last year we yet again found a world with wars waging, economies teetering, and glaciers melting. On the surface it still doesn’t appear too encouraging. Yet when we spiritually quiet, go deeper and open our Heart Minds we find the great unending fundamental harmony that birthed all life! Living from that consciousness we realize not only are there better times ahead but that the Divine, Heavenly Consciousness exists now….Right Here and Right Now!
Each day we can choose to do our Best. Each moment we have an opportunity to Live from Love. We can choose to be Divine Love, it is our Birthright. Our discursive mind tries to talk us out of being loving and being Peaceful. No matter how difficult, complicated, and impossible life can appear I choose the Reality of Peace Now. You may say I’m a Dreamer, but I’m not the only one. We are here tonight because we are all Dreamers, Dreamers of Peace in our Lifetimes. Dreamers & Weavers of a Peaceful Planet, filled with Love and Respect for All Living Beings.
For twenty years we have gathered here in Princeton and many other times & places to vision a better world. For twenty years and more we as individuals and families have risen up beyond the inertia that tries to hold us back from achieving our birth right – to live in peaceful harmony with all beings.
Tonight and this year let us rise up again, like the dawn of a new day, and shine the Light of Freedom.
Let us rise up again, more determined than ever, to live as Noble Beings.
Let us rise up and pass on the true essence of spiritual kindness to the Children of the Planet!!!!

Blessings to All – In Deepest Devotion, Greg Lynn Weaver

December, 2009
Imagine Peace on Earth... In Our Lifetime
In 2010 the PeaceWeavers are entering our 20th year together as a Peace and Healing Community.  Someone the other day wondered out loud how much good we've done considering that the war in Iraq continues and the war in Afghanistan is escalating.Of course our influence through the years seems to be minimal, being that we're a small non-profit serving in quiet, unassuming ways. The wars wage on, people are still dying, and it all feels so big and so impossible to change. 

Even President Obama, after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, justified using violence to bring an end to violence, and then spoke that there will continue to be violent conflicts throughout the world for the duration of our lifetimes.

Deep habitual violence has been around for thousands of years.  Just read the Bible - nation against nation, brother against brother, generation after generation.  It is institutionalized violence and the justification for it is the mantra of "the powers that be".  People continue to invoke the name of God to kill.  It is time now for us to invoke the name of God for Peace.

It is time now, in December, 2009, to put the self-defeating mantras of hopelessness and fear down and to stop striking out unceasingly.  The Pentagon is still spending more each year on the military and wars than has gone for the economic recovery in the last year.  Enough already.

As individuals and citizens of the world we can no longer sit back and give our power to "the powers that be". There is now way to peace; peace is the way, and each of us needs to lead in that way.

Our Lakota Grandfather Harry Blue Thunder spoke that if we can have world wars we can have world peace. To make that happen each of us must make a stand.  We must send away habitual anger from our lives.  We must send away habitual fears from our lives.  We must send away resentment, vindictiveness, hatred, overwhelm, and anything that creates our inner wars that spill out to our families, communities and the world.

Gandhi said, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world."  So let us "Be Peace Now".  John Lennon wrote "Imagine".  So let us "Imagine Peace for Everyone".  He wrote, "You may think I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."  Well, it's Time for all the Dreamers to rise up in the Name of Love.

I, too, am a dreamer, of Peace in our lifetime, and I'm not the only one. I hope today you'll join me and we will bring Peace for everyone. Why not? It will take everything that we have, our devotion, our commitment, our patience, our understanding, our finances and all of our efforts, too. But when we go to war it takes all of those things plus us it robs us of our divine nobility and the lives of those that we love. So together let us Dream, Vision, and Create World Peace on Earth in our lifetime, for the sake of our children, and all living beings.

March, 2009
 Awakening to Great Love
In our culture to a large degree we have been taught to be individualistic; to look after our own interests, our own fame & fortune. It is, of course, important to take care of our own selves and of our own family - to be well and to be happy. But directing the energy too much to our own interest can create self-centeredness. Then it's very easy to be out of balance and become fearful. When we're caught in fear we become constricted. When constricted, more and more fear energy spirals inwardly and downwardly and we become a drain. A drain of our own emotions and energy and if we attach to the spiral, a drain of other people's emotions and energy. The real Love that we can have for ourselves and the world becomes smaller and smaller. When our Love becomes smaller our Health and Happiness diminish and then too often disappears.

In the human realm we are given the opportunity to awaken! Awaken to True Love...Great Love! We start off in this realm as a tiny, tiny, tiny egg, and gradually grow bigger and bigger physically. And our consciousness grows bigger regarding the world within us and around us. But our compassion, trust, and Love, though natural, are all choices for us. We can choose to be kind. We can choose to be considerate. We can choose to trust even in the face of strange human phenomena.

It is our destiny and our fulfillment to choose to Awaken to Love! Can you imagine the seven billion two leggeds on the Planet living each day in Love! Why not! That would be Great! Many people live in a constricted place of fear and distrust. If that can happen, then the flip side is just waiting for us all.

And now is the time on this Heavenly Body - Mother Earth - to wake up. It is the Dawn of a new Conscious Way of Life. In fact we are the Dawn. We can choose to increase the Light! We can choose to be more considerate, more caring, more compassionate, more loving. We can choose to live in Love, from Love, and literally be Love in every moment! We naturally breathe in every moment, and we can naturally be Love in every moment. Big Breath, Big Life, Big Love! Why wait? Why don't we start right now!

Oh, and by the way - I love you!
In Devotion,
Greg Lynn

February, 2009
Healing Vacations...
  Cleanse, Stay Fit & Have Fun!

Time magazine reported recently that "40% of people searching on line for spa services are hunting for something to clean out the pipes". That's almost 50% more than in 2007 according to Spa Finder. Even with the economy slowing down people are spending more money on their own fitness - with healthy foods, exercise regimes, and by taking "Healing Vacations"!

In our topsy turvy world, cleansing and strengthening of the Body/Mind gives us the most solid support for our own health and happiness. Let us keep in mind what our PeaceWeaver Elder, Bhante Dharmawara, taught : "Our greatest possession is our health, without it we cannot serve ourselves or serve others!" So eating good food, exercising, and developing strong habits of Self-Health, protects and increases our "greatest possession"! Taking the time for a Healing Vacation to cleanse and strengthen the Body/Mind within a loving environment is our very best insurance policy regarding our health.

Bhante swore that cleansing his colon through colonic therapy was one of the healing preventative practices that led to his long quality life. He said "we must cleanse internally as we do externally". Cleansing internally discharges that which no longer serves us. When we cleanse we let go of the old and we welcome in the new.

We here at Thunder Mountain have developed a lifestyle of lightening up. We fast on a regular basis, do colonics to let go of our heavy attachments to food, emotions, etc., AND we give ourselves a break before we have a break down. While fasting we drink health giving liquids, freeing the digestive system of the heaviness of not only food but of bad food. We take in essential nutrients with juice and wheatgrass. Our body can more easily absorb these life giving energies and we become lighter and more energized.

Please consider giving  yourself a "Healing Vacation" here at Thunder Mountain. We need to gather together periodically and let go of the heaviness of life and stay light. This helps our daily practice to strengthen and it helps our health, our family's health,  and the health of the whole world!

So lighten up for crying out loud, after all it's the Age of Aquarius!

January 10, 2009
Live the Vision
Presented at 19th Annual New Year's Peace Gathering, Princeton, NJ

Through the years we have gathered here again and again as an extended Community of Peace . We represent all traditions. We are Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and even Republicans. It is time in our World to honor our Commonality, the "Weaving", this beautiful "Web of Life", rather than tearing it apart. It is time for us to awaken ever more deeply to our true purpose of bringing real peace to our lives and the Life of the Planet!
With a new administration, and a new consciousness entering the White House and our government, it is a time of great hope. We all hope that Obama can bring the changes needed to end the wars, turn the economy, heal our worldwide relations, and even resolve Global Warming. But hope can be deceptive. We can give our power away to hope and hence shirk our responsibility to be leaders in our own lives and communities. "We hope" our elected leaders can bring positive change, for our country and our people, but it is "We the People" that are the true leaders. And it is up to each of us to be the positive change we wish to see in the world.
And change is occurring rapidly on all levels. The Earth is changing form every moment of everyday. The structure of the world's economy is coming apart at the seams, and the way we do business is changing before our very eyes. And now we find a change in government and how we do business representing the best interests of the entire world.

Those of us that live consciously are the "Spiritual Midwives" birthing a new world of how humans are destined to live on this Heavenly Body - Mother Earth. It is a brave new paradigm of true honor, respect and compassion for all life. By giving our best with each new day, we are creating the best world that we can pass onto the future of all the species of the planet.

Let us not be fooled by the phenomena of war, of hunger, of homelessness and all which appears to be overwhelming and impossible to resolve and transform. It is our destiny to resolve age old problems with brilliant new consciousness. In the 60's the Beatles wrote "All we need is Love", and now we realize that "All we are is Love!" And Being True Love we can bring true healing, true resolution, and true liberation for all.
Let us remember always our Connections and our Weaving. Let us vision peace and wellness for ourselves, our families, our world, our future. We can trust the Fundamental Harmony that birthed us. We can trust who we are and what we are meant to bring to the planet, for we are the Builders of the new Dawn.
Let us live in each moment of each day. And let us with great care and compassion build the foundation of a better world. Daily let us affirm;
Infinite Spirit, it is all right here, right now. . . total, complete and perfect Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment, and Liberation!
Infinite Spirit, it is all right here, right now. . . total, complete, and perfect Health Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally!
Infinite Spirit, it is all right here, right now. . . total, complete, and perfect Wealth with Friends, Family and Finances!
Infinite Spirit, it is all right here, right now. . . total, complete, and perfect Service,  Success for me, my family, my community, and All my Relations!
Under Grace, in Divine Ways, for the next 10,000 generations, & beyond.

So again thank you for being "Present for Peace" here tonight. Thank you for the gifts you bring the world, and thank you for the important work you do to heal your lives and the Life of the Planet.
Together we are a Beautiful Weaving and
Together we are meant to bring comfort and solace to the World now & into the future.
Let us Live our Vision-
                Let us Live from Love-
                   And Let nothing stop us.

In Deepest Devotion,
Greg Lynn Weaver

November, 2008
Be the Change
As of Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 Senator Barack Obama is now President-elect Barack Obama of the  United States! This ushers in a whole new energy into the White House, Washington D.C., the nation and the world. Our prayer is that with this historic election great healing occurs between all strata of the world's cultures and nations. Why not?!?

Each of us can be leaders in healing the wounds and divisions that still exist in our country and on the planet. As Mahatma Gandhi put it, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world". So let  us "be the change" by healing our own inner wounds and divisions, and open up to greater health and harmony!

Our dear PeaceWeaver Elder Bhante Dharmawara, close friends with Gandhi, would remind us over and over again that "Our health is our most important possession! If we are not well we cannot serve ourselves and hence we cannot serve others." Bhante knew this first hand - at the age of 38 he had used up his vital force energy and the doctors gave him six months to live. Up to that time he had not served himself very well.  Bhante then made a decision to change his lifestyle and focus his energy on quieting, cleansing, healing, and clarifying his intentions regarding his health and living in harmony with the Universe. And not only did he live another 72 years, to the age of 110, but the quality of his life was profound. At the age of 107 he was still flying around the planet bringing healing to others.

Bhante became the change he wished to see in the world. Heading towards death he resolved his own illnesses, wounds and divisions - thereby serving himself and living for decades more to serve others.

Let us join together "to be the change we wish to see in the world". We are here at Thunder Mountain to support you to serve yourself more deeply, so that you can serve others more completely. And let us join together with people from all over the world to usher in a new energy of honor, healing and harmony for ourselves and future generations. 

So come to Thunder Mountain and let us serve you... Please let us help you open to the healing energy of the Universe and heal thyself!

In Devotion,
Greg Lynn Weaver

October, 2008
Fear Not...

This is quite a tenuous moment for us as a nation and as a global community. The economy is teetering back and forth, foreclosures are at an all-time high, unemployment is rising and we're still at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the economy goes down, fear is on the rise.

Edmund Burke once wrote: "No passion so efficiently robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear." Fear not only robs the mind, but also robs the physical body of vitamins and minerals. Fear consciousness creates anxiety, anxiety creates stress, and stress creates illness and unhappiness. When we submit to fear and it's offspring we lose our wellness, our happiness, and our fulfillment. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared in Strength of Love, "Our problem is not to be rid of fear but rather to harness and master it." That is exactly why we are here at Thunder Mountain Retreat Sanctuary. We are a haven of health and healing. We're here to face ourselves, our fears, and our attachments to our fears.

Thunder Mountain offers individuals and families a safe place to gather with kindred spirits to face and embrace our times and its opportunities. Together we strengthen our Bodies, Minds, and Spirits.

Now is the time for overcoming our fears by heading right into them and right through them. As our teachers our fears teach us to become totally attentive, to nurture and strengthen our Body/Minds, and to live from our Authentic Self. Please join us here at Thunder Mountain to become Weavers of Peace and Warriors of Love.