Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Journey Fast Day 14

The Children are Leading the Way

Saturday was the 13th day of my journey, and I was led to places of vision and beauty. It was a very big day in which Stefanie and I, along with Al and Willow, went from Skye & Aidan's Little League game in the morning to Clara & Kylee's dance recital in the afternoon, to Gabe Shapiro's Coming of Age Ceremony in the evening. On the road for over ten hours. But what a blessed ride it was! Each event opened the flood gates of all that's good and well in our world now, and gave me a clearer vision of not just hope for the future, but assurance that the "best is yet to come"!

The Little League experience started the night before when Skye and Aidan's team lost a game. Everyone struggled and was off their game, and Skye for the first time ever struck out three times. He was crushed and felt that he was the reason they lost. He is one of the youngest on the team and plays part time in the field, but his Heart and Spirit is totally for his team. So he took on the responsibility for losing, and broke down sobbing. Fortunately he worked with us to come to understand about winning's not everything; sometimes we have off nights; and that he can let go of any and all disappointment and judgment about himself. Just shake it off.

The next day he and Aidan and the team came alive again and won, in fact they won the League Championship. Skye was fully present, without any carry over from the night before. And he worked the pitcher for a walk as the runner on 3rd stole home to win the game. Jubilation for everyone.

Now, it was not the winning that was inspirational, it was Skye rising up as a Phoenix and giving his best, Aidan also. If they can do that at ten, we can do that at our age. And if they're practicing letting go now, they will get better and better day by day!

Clara and Kylee's dance recital was a long procession of many dances from the small ones to the adults. And without much prejudice, they were two of the brightest lights on the stage. Relaxed, smiling, moving, expressing their natural gifts and spirits! If they can do that at the ages of twelve and eight in front of hundreds of people, we can always shine in front of our family and friends. And if they're practicing that grace and natural beauty now, they will get better and better day by day.

Then Stefanie and I had the great honor of attending Gabe Shapiro's Coming of Age Ceremony. The PeaceWeavers have known Gabe since he was ten years old, and now at the age of fifteen he very consciously chose a series of events to mark this pivotal moment in his life.

On Gabe's first visit to Thunder Mountain, he came into sweat lodge for all four rounds. And he's been coming back to do lodge on a regular basis ever since. Then, as one of his ceremonies, he chose for his transition time, he did Vision Quest here in May. He was "out on the hill' for 24 hours. He did his very best and he did great!

Gabe is an amazing young man, with equally amazing sister and parents. Elan and Rachael are two of the world's brightest lights and they've been shining the way for both of their children.

The evening was truly profound. A mix of Bar Mitzvah and Earth Base Ceremony. Gabe was leading the way. And actually many honored him as a leader among his friends and community. Family and friends shined with their gratitudes and the room was a vessel of Love and Beauty.

Gabe has not always had an easy journey, but he and his family have walked through any and all obstacles. He's a brilliant spirit, with a kind and generous heart. And he is a true, dedicated Weaver of Peace.

If Gabe, at fifteen, can step beyond anything that has held him back, then we too can step beyond the things that have held us back. And if Gabe is practicing that now, he will get better and better, day by day.

I would like to share with you Gabe's Values and Beliefs to Live By. I'm sure you'll be touched by them as much as I have been.

Gabe's Values and Beliefs to Live By

Be honest, no matter how difficult it may be, and no matter how much discomfort or consequences it may bring to you.

Be fair to all people and living things.

Respect all living things in order to be more respected, avoid creating enemies, help others feel valued, and set an example for others.

Be thoughtful of what you say. Your words can be a force for good or for creating harm.

Be confident in yourself, and show your confidence in others.

Be loyal to the people you love.

Know your goals and make them come true. Be aware of what's motivating you.

Be strong in your loving; don't let fear guide you.

Be awake to life in the present moment. Appreciate the process as much as the goal. Enjoy the little things. Be aware of what you're thinking and feeling.
Live your life in harmony with all of these values and beliefs.

I encourage all of us to consider and write down our values and beliefs, like Gabe has done. It'll bring focus and greater purpose to our lives.

I encourage all of us to let go of disappointments, judgments, and anger like Skye has done, it'll give us new life and new energy.

And I encourage all of us to follow Clara and Kylee and naturally let our gifts shine out to the world and turn pain into joy.

So let us be encouraged about the future, and also let us be in the present, and be led by the pure innocence and preciousness of our children.

In Deep Devotion,
Greg Lynn

May All Children Be Well and Happy!